Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Earthworm eats leaves,seeds,and the soil containing organic substances. The swallowed soil passes Bacall cavity into pharynx,pharynx contain pharyngeal gland. Pharyngeal gland secrete Macon and paralytic enzymes Macing lubricate.The food materials and paralytic enzyme change protein into the pep tone. After that food materials passes into oesophagus through gizzard. Gizzard grind the food materials into the fine state.Due to the contraction and extraction of circular muscle. Then food materials passes into the stomach also secrete paralytic enzyme. Which helps protein change into pep tone. Then the food materials passes into the intestine,intestine contain different type of enzyme. These are protease,amylase,lipase,cellulose's and chitin's.
  • protease change carbohydrate into mono saccharides.
  • Lipase change fat into fatty acid and glycerol.
  • cellulose digest cellulose and chitin's digest chitin.
In this way physiology of digestion takes place in earth warm.PHYSIOLOHY OF DIGESTION OF EARTH WARM

Monday, November 30, 2009

Scope of biodiversity

Scope of biodiversity
  • Medicinal field: It plays important role as medicines for various diseases are derived from variety of plants and animals and knowledge of these organisms provides information about their occurrences, use to cure the various types of diseases.
  • Industry:It is the scope of biodiversity as different industries got their raw materials from plants and animals.
  • Agriculture: It is also the scope of biodiversity which gives different agricultural products that are the products from different plants animals.
  • Research and study : It provides unlimited resources.
  • Job opportunity:It gives opportunity for the people by programs and project that have been launched for biodiversity conservation.
  • Environment conservation: Different living organism en tract with environment factors.Different living organism like plant and animals are en tract with the environmental component. so,they have also to use and have more important for them. Hence,they play vital role in environment conservation.


Root is the underground, non green part of plant. IT does not posses nodes or buds but many poses branches. It helps in absorption and anchorage. It consists of following regions.
  1. ROOT CAP: It is the cap like structure lying at the tip of root. It protects the tender growing apex of the root against friction from soil particles. Its cells have mucilaginous wall which lubricate the passage of root in the soil.
  2. MERISTEMATIC REGION(REGION OF CELL DIVISION):It lies just behind root cap and constitutes about 1cm in length. It consists of thin walled, compactly arranged, isodiametric cells which have capacity of division. This region produces new cells. So, this region helps in the growth of Root.
  3. REGION OF ELONGATION: It lies behind the growing point and about 4-8 mm in length.Cells of this region are newly formed but have lost the power of division. These cells elongate rapidly and help in the increase of length of root.
  4. REGION OF ROOT HAIR:It is 1-6mm in length and lies behind region of elongation. The epidermal cells of this region give to lateral tubular outgrowth called root hairs.Root hairs in absorption.As root hairs become older,they do not function and new root hairs produced from the older part of region of elongation.
  5. REGION OF MATURATION:This region forms the bulk of the root. This region doesn't help in absorption. Lateral branches of the root arises from this region.This region helps to anchor the plant firmly in the soil.


Leaf is the flattened, lateral outgrowth of the stem or branch. It develops from the nocle from its superficial tissues and has bud in its axil. It is normally green in colour.It has three parts:
  1. Leaf base
  2. petiole
  3. Lamina/leaf blade
  1. Leaf base:It attached to the stem but in the case of mono cot plant leaf base s expanded and encircle the stem is called sheathing leaf base(leaf sheath).
  2. Petiole:It is the stalk of leaf in which petiole is absent is called sessile and petiole is present is called percolate.
  3. Lamina: It is the terminal expanded portion of leaf.
VENATION: arrangement of veins and vein lets in the lamina of leaf is called venation.Venation is two types i.e.
  • Reticulated venation: The leaf in which veins and vein lets from network like structure is called particulate venation .
  • Parallel venation: The leaf in which veins and vein lets roughly parallel to each other is called parallel venation.
Unicostate: In this type, single mid rib is arise from base to apex of leaf.
Multicostate: In this type, more than one mid rib Costa arises from base to the apex of leaf.


All living organism are made up of cell. Cells are the structural,and functional unit of life. In unicellular organism single cell can perform all the life activities like respiration, reproduction, excretion, digestion etc and the structure of the organism is represented by single cell. But in case of multi cellular organism. The combined action of all the cell results the various life activities. So cell is known as the structural and functional unit of life.
The term cell was first of all introduction by pobert hook. He cut thin slice of work and examined it under his microscope. He found honey comb like structure and for each compartment,he gave the name cell. Anton von leeuwenhook observed the green bodies in plants called chloroplast. He also obserbed unicellular organisms like bacteria, sperm etc. Rudolf virchow stated that cells arise from pre-existing cells. German biologist Mathian-as-jocab scheiden and Theron Schwinn found that both plants and animals are made up cell.They proposed the famous cell theory; Also known as cell principle or cell doctrine.
  • All living organisms are made up of cell.
  • Cells are the structural and functional unit of life.
  • All cells are fundamentally in similar chemical positions and metabolic activities.
  • Cell arise from pre-exciting cells.
  • In unicellular organism single cell , all the activities and in case of multiple cellular organism combined action of cells result the life activities.
  • Cells are passed from one generation to other in form of living unit called generate.
  • A cells most composed of well defined nucleus, nuclear membranes, cytoplasm, cell membranes, protoplasm, mitochondria etc.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cell contain from viruses,bacteria and protein erros

Cell contain from viruses,bacteria and protein erros
when cells confirm with an invaliding virus,bacteria or explodes to an irritating chemical, they save themselves by going off their DNA and inserting the wrong amino acid into proteins to defend them against destroy.Proteins are constructed through a process called translation where cellular elements use the genetic code to care assembly of buildings blocks is known as amino acids into right sequence.First, copy ofD nucleic acid ,known as messengers of ribo nucleic acid, is made and transfer to a cellular structure is known as a ribosomes.For one transfer of RNA ,each contain 20 amino acids used in prepare proteins,Read the publisher RNA coding and bring the proper amino acids to ribosomes, where they are bonded together to develop a new proteins.Each tRNA(ribo nucleic acid) can be joined to only one of twenty amino acids, a specicifity that prevents errors during the formation of proteins.
When the cells were stressed by dispose to a virus, bacteria chemical such as hydrogen peroxide,that error rate went even highest, as up to 10% of methionine's placed into proteins were differ from what the gene specified. Further research revealed that it was always the same amino acid.methionine is one of only two amino acids to carry sulfur atoms on its side chains. I think that's most important part of this to make every protein molecule different and you cannot do this genetically.