Earthworm eats leaves,seeds,and the soil containing organic substances. The swallowed soil passes Bacall cavity into pharynx,pharynx contain pharyngeal gland. Pharyngeal gland secrete Macon and paralytic enzymes Macing lubricate.The food materials and paralytic enzyme change protein into the pep tone. After that food materials passes into oesophagus through gizzard. Gizzard grind the food materials into the fine state.Due to the contraction and extraction of circular muscle. Then food materials passes into the stomach also secrete paralytic enzyme. Which helps protein change into pep tone. Then the food materials passes into the intestine,intestine contain different type of enzyme. These are protease,amylase,lipase,cellulose's and chitin's.
- protease change carbohydrate into mono saccharides.
- Lipase change fat into fatty acid and glycerol.
- cellulose digest cellulose and chitin's digest chitin.
In this way physiology of digestion takes place in earth warm.PHYSIOLOHY OF DIGESTION OF EARTH WARM